Disability Concerns Team

People with disabilities are full participants in and members of Orland Park CRC. Our goal is to ensure that OPCRC is a place where people of all abilities belong and serve, so please let us know if you have any requests relating to participating in worship or in any of our programs. Contact the church office with questions.


Prayer shawls are sent to men, women, and children who have lost loved ones or are suffering from various illnesses or difficult circumstances. They are sent to old, young, churched, and unchurched; they are your family, your friends, neighbors, and strangers. The one thing they have in common is that they desperately need to know that someone cares about them and that they are loved by their heavenly Father. Included with each shawl are a praying hands charm and a handmade card telling them of Jesus’ love for them. The recipients of the shawls and blankets are prayed for by the people making them. Our hope is that the shawls will bring comfort and that when they are used; the people will feel covered by the prayer of God’s people.

Volunteers are always needed to help knit and crochet the prayer shawls. If you are interested in being part of this ministry, please contact the church office and we will get you in touch with the appropriate person.

Coffee & Comfort
Coffee & Comfort is a support group to help mothers through the grief process of losing a child. Mothers of all ages are welcome to attend. The group meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 1:00pm in the church music room.
Transition Care Ministry

The Transition Care Team stands alongside families and individuals experiencing a change in their life relating to finances, while providing confidential Christian support, encouragement, and direction, using helpful resources matched to your specific needs and situation.